A. Family Practice Locum

Work Schedule

On average 3 to 4 clinics and one ED shift per week. This may vary from week to week. Usually a “day off” is assigned after a PM call although, you may be scheduled for hospitalist shift. Generally one weekend per month booked with ED and hospitalist shifts.


  • According to our local Alternate Payment Plan a full clinical day is 8 hours (ie. 8:00am – 5:00pm) and includes hospital rounds, paper work and booked clinic time of 5-6 hours. You can choose 8:00am – 2:00pm or 9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 4:00pm as your clinic time – other hours within clinic hours are feasible, a full work day includes time off for lunch.
  • Many physicians work a half day prior to an evening ED shift, take the afternoon off and cover the ED 8:00pm to 8:00am.
  • Half days of 4-5 hours are also paid (Wednesday clinic is always half day 8:00am – 11:30am) using afternoon for hospital and/or patient work would still equate to a full day
  • You may be booked for a late clinic 1:00pm to 6:00pm on Tues/Thurs

Emergency Room

  • 8 and 12 hour call coverage 8 to 4 PM, 2 to 10 PM or 8 AM of PM (day off after pm call is routine)
  • One weekend per month with ED/hospitalist shifts
  • Extra shifts may be available from other MD’s of to fill vacancies if interested

Hospitalist Shift

Usually light workload, covered from home, although you are assigned for a 24h period, the pay is through a combined clinic per diem and night hospitalist per diem (ie potentially 2200/24h). The role is multifaceted and includes:

  • Available for transfer of HAC patients that may be admitted through ED by Northern Practice physician or repatriation of patients from Thunder Bay and Winnipeg
  • Available as OR assist after hours
  • Available as ED backup for overflow
  • Available as “baby doctor” for maternity
  • Available for practice support to Pickle Lake Clinic, Extended Care Facility and inpatient wards


  • $1051/day clinic, hospital, and paper work billable in 0.5 or 1.0 increments
  • $1051/night (5:00pm to 8:00am) or $1576 for 24 hour on weekends for hospitalist
  • ED per diem rates vary depending on time of shifts and weekend coverage
  • You may combine clinic & ED or clinic & hospitalist per diems as outlined above

A spreadsheet for these per diems will be provided to you for submission to HAC.

For further assistance in completing your spreadsheet please contact our Clinic Manager @ 807-737-3803. HAC colleagues are also available for help.


  • Clinic overhead (payable to HAC) 16% of diem. Overhead is payable on all per diems


  • Locum to set up own travel – keep all receipts and submit to Health Force Ontario (HFO) for reimbursement.


  • Locum to contact Lorraine Bolen, 807-737-3030 ( lbolen@slmhc.on.ca ). Keep all receipts and submit to HFO for reimbursement (if accommodations not available through hospital then alternate arrangements can be made with receipts submitted to HFO not to exceed $120/night)


  • You can expect to receive payment for your per diems (minus overhead) by the 15th of the month following your locum assignment.

B. Anaesthesia Locum

  • Anaesthesia slates are booked in half day increments and overtime hourly increments
  • Anaesthesia on call is remunerated as Criticare at a rate of $621/day
  • Anaesthesia call and slates are subject to a 12% overhead
  • Anaesthesia services are billed to MOH with locums entitled to approx 38% of most services provided (less 12% overhead)


  • Locum to set up own travel – keep all receipts and submit to the HFO for direct reimbursement.


  • Locum to contact Lorraine Bolen, 807-737-3030 (l lbolen@slmhc.on.ca ). Keep all receipts and submit to HFO for direct reimbursement (if accommodations not available through hospital then alternate arrangements can be made with receipts submitted to HFO not to exceed $150/night)


  •  You can expect to receive payment within the first 2 weeks of the month following your locum.

Meno Ya Win Hospital Privileges

  • Locum to contact credentialing@slmhc.on.ca for a request to acquire credentialing at the Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre

SLKT Emergency Department Associates

  • If you are going to be scheduled to cover call at SLMHC Emergency Department you will need to complete forms and return ASAP. We will complete the group number/address info etc; you just need to sign and date where applicable and make sure we have your college and billing numbers.

SLKT Meno Ya Win Health Centre Security Passes

  • Arrangements will be made for you by the Clinic Manager prior to your arrival for security cards to access the hospital. Your security cards, pager and passes will be at the Emergency Admitting Desk when you arrive. the hospital HR deparment will make arrangements for your photo to be taken after your arrival. If you are arriving on a weekend and are scheduled for call you will need to have your security access in place and your card and pager will be available to pick up at the hospital. PLEASE CONFIRM WITH the Clinic Manager WHERE YOUR PAGER AND CARD WILL BE AT THE HOSPITAL